and saving
lives for the
glory of God
Breaking Chains
Did you know?
More than
117,000 homeless
In Texas, there are just over 117,000 young adults who are homeless and many of them are pregnant.
27,000 teen births
not married
In 2017 alone, there were just under 27,000 births to teens, the vast majority of whom were not married and don't have any support from family.
No job.
No support system
Imagine being pregnant with no husband, on the streets with no job and no support system or someone to point the way to a better life.
Our hearts at Gateway of Hope Comanche are broken. These staggering statistics must change.
Our heart and mission. The foundation of our maternity home is built on God’s love and teachings, along with the belief that any life can be transformed by the power of the gospel. In fact, our mission statement is to provide a safe and nurturing home for expecting mothers where they gain the skills to become independent and self-supporting.
Gateway of Hope Comanche is a faith-based nonprofit that accepts no government funding so we are free to share the gospel. God has and is calling His people to support our mission.
We will provide a hand up and a path to independence by loving mothers and their baby for up to 36 months while providing housing, food, diapers, clothes, education, life skills and help with GED diplomas at no cost to the mother and her child.
Our vision. Imagine a day when God fills our home to capacity with moms-to-be and mothers with a child. Imagine a day with photos of moms and babies that fill the walls of our home representing those we have served and saved. Imagine a day when a young homeless mother leaves carrying her baby and her own purse. Imagine this young mother filled with hope and excitement about her new job and the ability to provide for herself and her newborn. Imagine the description she will use of God’s love that she can share with her child.
Join us in restoring hope and a life filled with purpose.
There truly are miracles taking place
at Gateway of Hope Comanche.
We would love to share these stories with you.

If you are interested in applying for our services, please email us:
We look forward to hearing from you!